January 17

2020 Will Be The Year Of The Prophet (Prophecy For 2020)


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God turns negative experiences into positive ones. Here’s how losing my job multiple times is now a prophecy for 2020 and the coming year!

Prophecy For 2020

Looking Back And Forward With Prophecy For 2020

Today, I'm going to look forward to the next year with a prophecy for 2020.

Last time, I shared 15 articles about prophecy with you, as part of a review of 2019.

I finished up by mentioning some of the other things I was involved in last year:

  • I ran the 4 Steps Prophecy School as a local event.
  • And started the Company of Prophets in my church.
  • And I lined up some speaking engagements, ready for this year.
  • God also gave me 2 prophetic words for 2020.

It’s that last part I will focus on today: 2 prophetic words for the coming year.

In summary, I’ll share how God promoted me through redundancy, what he said about success and failure, and how I learned that 2020 Will Be The Year Of The Prophet.

Before I get into the prophetic words themselves, let me give you some background, which feeds directly into them.

Back in 2017, I decided to take an offer of redundancy from my previous employer.

It wasn’t the first time this had happened, but it was the only time I had some element of choice in the matter.

My choice was based on everything the Lord had said to me, as recorded in my prophetic prayer journal. It was a step of faith because there was no new role to go to and I didn’t know exactly where I would end up next.

Prophecy For 2020: God At Work

However, God was at work and with perfect timing, he moved me into a new part-time job, which enabled me to spend 1 day per week on my ministry.

Looking back, I’m truly grateful to him for arranging everything according to his amazing plan for my life.

But there’s more!

Looking back, I’m truly grateful to God for arranging everything according to his amazing plan for my life.

Redundancy: Proof Of God’s Faithfulness

As I mentioned above, that wasn’t the first time I had been made redundant. But it wasn’t the last either:

All told I have gone through the redundancy process (or a transfer to another employer) 5 times in the last 10 - 15 years, or so.

However, as each of these events came and went, God was good and he proved himself faithful in every one.

As we approached the end of 2019, the Lord started reminding me about all this, but he also spoke to me about something much more important:

Whenever I started in a new role, the Lord very quickly put me in a place of influence.

Prophecy For 2020: A Place Of Influence

Each time, I would get to talk to senior managers. I’d end up working closely with them, in one form or another.

  • Sometimes, I worked on specific projects for those managers.
  • Sometimes, I acted in a consultancy capacity, offering advice about strategic choices for the company or organisation.
  • On other occasions, I would be called into client meetings, to help cement relationships.
  • Or I would be tasked with updating infrastructure and processes to enable the organisation to modernise and prepare for the future.

In each case, I gained the ear of key decision-makers: I was placed in a position of trust where I was listened to and my opinions mattered.

In other words, where redundancy could have resulted in a step down, God used it to give me a step up!

The Foolish Things Of The World

It’s important for you to understand this point. That's because it has a strong bearing on how you’ll understand the prophecies I’ll share with you in a moment:

God uses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise.

“But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.” (1 Corinthians 1:27)

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In the world’s eyes, redundancy often feels like failure. It’s something that many people feel ashamed of, even though it’s usually not their fault.

But God is able to take apparent failure and turn it around. And in my case, he used it to promote me.

Right now, I’m making the same choice again, but this time with my ministry: Having shut down Guildford Community Church, in obedience to what the Lord told us to do, I have made myself redundant as a church leader.

We’re joining a new church where I will need to humble myself and submit to other leaders. But I'm doing so choosing to trust the Lord that he will once more promote me in the right place and at the right time.

Christ himself went to the cross in humiliation and apparent failure. But he was then raised from the dead and ascended to the Father’s right hand, to the very throne of God.

That’s the most profound kind of promotion I can think of!

So whether you feel like you are a success or a failure today, hold that thought in your head as we look at the two prophecies below.

Prophecy For 2020 #1: 2020 Will Be The Year Of The Prophet

As I prayed about the year ahead, the Lord said these words to me: “2020 vision”.

He also said this:

“2020 will be the year of the prophet

Many new prophets will be raised up in God’s church and many Christians will suddenly discover that God has given them the gift of prophecy.

For those that already have the gift, they will discover a new level of power, authority and anointing in their prophecies. If you are one of them, then you will see things in a much clearer way than you ever have before.

2020 vision means “clarity” or “sharpness of vision”. One with such physical vision can see the details clearly and accurately at a distance of 20 feet.

But God is talking about spiritual vision for his prophets:

  • some of you will see right into heaven for the first time.
  • others will see more clearly what your Father is doing.
  • And others will receive incredibly accurate words of knowledge.

It’s time to respond to God’s call on your life and listen carefully to what he is about to say to you.

Prophecy For 2020 #2: In 2020, God Will Promote Many

The second thing that the Lord said to me about this year is that 2020 is the year of promotion.

God will promote many: He is going to promote many of his people to key positions, into roles of influence in surprising places.

"2020 is the year of promotion"

But it won’t always look like promotion in the first instance!

Many Christians and prophets will go through a time of trial, where they lose their place, their niche or their “pet project”. This won’t just be in the workplace, but inside God’s church too.

The sense of loss will be real, but if you find this happening to you, don’t just grieve or accept it as your lot.

Look to the Lord and seek him for his purposes in your life. He will promote you at exactly the right time, into the right place where your unique skills can be of use for his kingdom.

For the Lord is no one’s debtor!

Prophecy For 2020: My Prayer For You

I pray for the Lord’s power and presence for you today and throughout this year.

May you know him more deeply and experience his anointing in hearing his voice and as you operate in the gift of prophecy.

Your Turn

How has God spoken to you about his plans for 2020?

Share your answer in the comments below.


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  • That is amazing how God was fulfilling His purposes in your testimony of redundancies! May He bless you as you wait in the new season!
    I continued to fall out of worship teams, and even now, my son had the opportunity I would normally have. Then God showed me that the ministry He has called me to, is different, “bigger” (not that I should compare or that the worship teams are inferior to me) – it would be more in line with my specific calling and therefore more fulfilling as well. I am both waiting and walking there, as the events I had so far were small and mostly friends.. However, I trust Him to grow this to what He has planned.
    Your prophetic words are encouraging. I recently gave words to a group of people – for some it was very significant. One lady said she reads it every day. That is humbling, scary and exciting, because I didn’t feel as if I knew what I was doing. In fact, I spent two days writing them and was a wreck afterwards, very scared that I wrote out of my own physical knowledge or that they would be offended for the words being so personal.
    God bless.

    • Hi Elize, thank you for your kind words and for sharing your experiences with us.

      It can indeed be scary when we share prophetic words with others, but I look on it as a good thing!
      It means we have to rely on God and exercise our faith – which we know he rewards, so it’s a win-win!

      It’s great to hear how the Lord has been speaking to you about your worship ministry too.
      May you be blessed as you explore his plans for your life.

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