April 5

The Company Of Prophets – A Manifesto For Growth


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The Company of Prophets shows us that prophecy is more than a solo affair.

In 1 Sam 10, Saul is anointed king of Israel. Samuel instructs Saul to follow specific steps, so that he can take up his destiny and calling. What happens next reveals an important truth about prophets and the gift of prophecy.

The Company of Prophets - a manifesto for growth

My Local Company Of Prophets

The Company of Prophets is something the Lord has spoken to me about for some time. So much so, that I recently started a group by the same name, in my church.

It’s a place where people with prophetic gifting, or who think they may have a prophetic gift, can come and be encouraged.

In other words, we explore the gift of prophecy together. We pray and are looking to encourage and grow the prophetic gifts, in each other.

It’s going well so far, and I’d like to extend it beyond my own church.

But where did this idea come from?

What Is The Company Of Prophets?

In 1 Samuel chapter 10, Samuel anoints Saul and tells him he will be king.

In order to fulfil his destiny, he must follow a clear set of instructions. Samuel tells Saul exactly what will happen at each stage.

As part of those instructions, he says that Saul will prophesy when he meets a procession of prophets. And that’s precisely what happens:

As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day.

When he and his servant arrived at Gibeah, a procession of prophets met him; the Spirit of God came powerfully upon him, and he joined in their prophesying.

When all those who had formerly known him saw him prophesying with the prophets, they asked each other, “What is this that has happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?” (1 Samuel 10:9-11, NIV)

So Saul and his servant meet the procession (or company) of prophets. And something happens to both of them, to cause them to join in the prophecy that is already happening.

What Is The Significance Of The Company Of Prophets?

I believe that the Lord wants to raise up a new generation of prophets in his church today.

However, we are not all to be like Elijah, Elisha, or Samuel. There is another type of prophet, which this scripture teaches us about.

There are two aspects of Saul’s encounter with the Company of Prophets I would like to draw your attention to:

1. They Were “Unknowns”

While we see this Company of Prophets in several places in the bible narrative, they are never named.

They each clearly had a special relationship with God and a strong gift of prophecy. And yet, we never find out who they were.

This speaks to me of ordinary people.

In today’s church God is indeed raising up prophets. But he’s not working on “prophetic superstars”, he’s working among ordinary people, like you and me.

There’s nothing special about me, except for the grace and presence of God in my life. I’m an ordinary person, who God has given an extraordinary set of gifts to.

And you know what? You’re just like me.

You’re ordinary, but you are amazing, in Christ Jesus!

2. Anointing On The Group

Going back to 1 Samuel 10, we’re looking at a group of ordinary people who God gave the gift of prophecy to.

They come along with their lyres and tambourines, prophesying as they go. They’re just prophets, doing what prophets do best.

But when Saul and his servant meet them, they too begin to prophesy.

As Samuel had foretold Saul, “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person” (1 Samuel 10:6).

In other words, there was a Holy Spirit anointing on the group that:

  • a. May not have been present to the same degree in each individual.
  • b. Caused those who did not have the gift, to prophesy, as though they did.

I think this is amazing!

The Anointing Of The Company Of Prophets

I believe this bible passage shows us that there is power in prophetic people coming together.

I also think it reveals a key for prophets in today’s church, worldwide.

I may explore these themes further in later posts. For now, let’s take a moment to reflect on these realities.

  • When prophetic people spend time with each other, we can bring about an increase in the prophetic anointing.
  • We are also able to share that anointing with others, even if they do not have the same prophetic gift.

This is where I get excited!

My heart is to see growth: growth in individuals, in small groups, and in churches across the world.

I want to take what has started in my local church and bring it to the church at large.

Since I’ve only just begun, I have no idea how that will happen.

And that’s where you come in.

A Vision And Manifesto For A New Company Of Prophets

I began this article by listing out some characteristics I wanted to see in my local Company of Prophets. I had a grand title for it, a manifesto, if you will.

However, I came up with only 4 main points, or pillars.

I want the Company of Prophets to:

  1. Endorse an atmosphere of praise and worship.
  2. Emphasise God’s presence, over activity.
  3. Encourage and nurture prophets and the gift of prophecy.
  4. Ensure no one ever feels alone or isolated in their prophetic gift.

Your Turn

My manifesto for the Company of Prophets probably doesn’t need to go much deeper than these 4 pillars, but I’d like your input.

In the coming weeks and months, I suspect I will return to this topic and go into more detail on the 4 pillars.

For now, I have one question for you:

What would you add, remove or change about the 4 pillars of the Company of Prophets?

Leave your answer in the comments below.


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  • Hi Tim, I am excited about your company of prophets. I would say practicing the “presence” is the most important pillar. I had to work through a book ” Search for Significance” as part of training recently. It opened my eyes to what Jesus has accomplished: justified, reconciled, regenerated me to name but a few – then I can do no other than embracing a lifestyle of praise and worship; in other words focus on the work of the cross leads to worship and thankfulness. Your 3 & 4 th manifestos are so exciting. The church needs that! Blessings

    • Hi Elize, thank you so much for your comment and for your encouragement!

      The training you had sounds amazing: what an awesome God we have!

      And I’m so glad you are excited about the pillars of the Company of Prophets.
      Keep your eye on the blog for more in the coming weeks and months. 🙂

  • Tim:
    I would like to connect with you on this please. I love what you’re saying and would to chat more about it.
    Thanks in advance,

    • Thank you so much, Sally, so would I!
      Seriously though, in our post-Covid world, I think now is a key season for new companies of prophets to start springing up again.
      Perhaps it needs someone like you to set one up in your church?

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