September 28

The Lord Is My SatNav – A Prayer For Drivers On Their Way Home


minute read

Tongue In Cheek

This is somewhat ‘tongue in cheek‘, although I do believe that the Lord has a sense of humour too.
Public domain, via Pixabay
Public domain, via Pixabay

I was thinking of how many times the Lord has got me home in different circumstances.

As a commuter by car to my place of work, there have been so many times I have been stuck in traffic, or have taken a detour to avoid said traffic and then got lost.

But each time, I always pray and the Lord always comes through for me. Either the traffic has cleared up, or he has given me the patience that I needed, or he has shown me the way.

Show Me The Way

Once I had been to visit my sister when she lived in an unfamiliar part of London. When I left, she had given me clear directions, or so I thought!
Somehow I made the wrong turning and ended up at a T junction I wasn’t expecting, with no signs to indicate the way to go and no clear view of where either choice went.
Fearful of going the wrong way, or worse, getting stuck in the local one-way system, my prayer went up “Lord, Help!” (A well thought through prayer, don’t you think? 😉)
Immediately, I heard him say “left” – so clearly I should add, that I wasn’t sure if the voice was audible or not. So I turned left and at the end of that road was a sign to the road I wanted.
I can’t remember exactly what was on that sign, but to me, it simply said “home”. And I believe that’s the essence of prophecy, something you can find out more about here.

My Prayer For You

So without further ado, here is my prayer for all drivers stuck in traffic on their way home, based very loosely on Psalm 23:
The Lord is my SatNav,
I shall not get lost.
He makes me drive peacefully
and leads me beside calm traffic.
He guides my paths on clear roads,
for his name’s sake.
Even though I crawl through the biggest tailback,
I will fear no other drivers, for you are with me.
Your speed cameras and police officers,

they comfort me.

You prepare a route before me
in the presence of careless drivers.
You anoint the engine with oil
and my petrol tank overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me home,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
or at least, until tomorrow!
© Tim Bader 2012


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  • I believe the Lord has a sense of humor, too, and think He smiles when anyone reads this. So true! (You know that old saying that God is my co-pilot. Glad you’re allowing him to be your pilot!)

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