Understanding the Bible






11 Lessons

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To understand God, we have to understand his Word

...and to understand Prophecy, we also have to understand God's Word!

Take this course to get a better understanding of the Bible, including questions like, "Which Bible translation is the best one?"

You'll also learn how to understand and test prophecy, in the light of the Bible.

Understanding the Bible

Bible Translations

7 Lessons

Introduction to the course

Video lesson

Discover what word-for-word translations are, why they're important, and some of the issues translators face.

Video lesson

What a thought-for-thought Bible translation is, and how it differs from a word-for-word translation.

Video lesson

"Thought for Thought part 2" examines a common misunderstanding people have about the "best" kind of Bible translation, and reveals one key to understanding why we have so many different versions.

Video lesson

Explains what a paraphrase is and isn't, and why there may be hazards involved with reading them. Do they still have value? Find out inside!

Video lesson

There is a difference between reading the Bible and studying the Bible, that will determine which translation you use.

Video lesson

Today, I finally get to the answer you've been waiting for, but it may not be what you expect!

Video lesson

How Prophecy Relates To The Bible

4 Lessons

In my previous video, we talked about which translation is best for reading or study, but which translation is best for sharing as part of a prophecy? Is there a difference? Find out inside!

Video lesson

How do biblical prophecy and the lives of the Prophets inform our practice of prophecy today?

Video lesson

Do you ever feel stuck trying to understand pictures from God? This video shows you how!

Video lesson


About the teacher

Tim Bader

I'm Tim Bader, creator of the 4 Steps Prophecy School. I'm a writer, author and church leader, and I train Christians in the gift of prophecy.
My heart is to release people to hear God's voice for themselves and others, so they can prophesy with confidence.

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