How To Hear God’s Voice
Your complete guide to hearing God's voice
Learn To Hear God's Voice
How To Hear God's Voice: Eight practical steps to help you hear from God is a new eBook which will enable you to hear God more clearly than you may have thought possible.
Most Christians want to hear God’s voice for themselves, but many people struggle to really make a connection. How To Hear God’s Voice will help you to close the gap between the biblical truth, and the reality and experience of knowing God personally.
...then this Book is for you!
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What People Are Saying...
I'm finding it hard to put down! But am trying to restrict myself to one section at a time! Just to really absorb it!
I've read all of your book and I think it's great! I like the fact that we can pray any time of day, in whatever mundane task we are occupied with, instead of always having to find a special time or place. Your book is well set out and just the right length too.
Your book has been a real blessing to me. It's practical and has helped me think of different ways to find time to strengthen my personal relationship with God and make my communication with Him more natural and real.
Congratulations! This is AWESOME!! I haven't quite read all of it yet but it is very powerful. I have no doubt God is going to use this in very powerful ways...
Get your copy now!
Tim Bader
How To Hear God’s Voice Author
About the Author
I'm Tim Bader. I'm a writer, author and church leader, and I train Christians in the gift of prophecy.
My heart is to release people to hear God's voice for themselves and others, so they can prophesy with confidence.
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